After a facelift, people usually reach the age of 35 or 40 when they notice the first signs of facial droop. Advanced drooping of the face begins later and leads to so-called hamsters, i.e. drooping cheeks. People suffer from them after 50 years. it is better to regularly take care of the skin (for example, with mesotherapy) and encourage it to thicken, in order to prevent progressive changes, that is, to slow down the effects of skin aging and stretching.
Sagging and tightening of the skin is an unavoidable process that we can counteract and slow down with a facelift. We can achieve a facelift in various ways, for example, by thickening the skin, increasing its tone, or causing redermalization. To soften the skin, we can encourage it to renew, hence the name "tissue stimulators". Another method of lifting is compaction of the skin by mechanical damage to the skin and forcing the re-production of the epidermis with micro-tattoos, i.e. the so-called "dermapena", by applying exfoliating acids or using a laser.
All drugs containing polynucleotides should be considered as tissue stimulants that contribute to skin thickening. The action of polynucleotides is: lifting, thickening the skin, narrowing the pores, stimulating the production of its own collagen and elastin, as well as strong hydration,which is very important for the recovery and restoration of youth. Polynucleotides are very safe and well tolerated by the skin. Polynucleotide procedures are the least invasive, and some don't even require anesthesia.
Another way to achieve a facelift is redermalization. It consists of injecting a drug containing, among other things, sodium succinate, the so-called Skin booster, which promotes the formation of new blood and lymph vessels under the skin. Thanks to them, the transport of nutrients increases and lymphatic drainage improves, which causes biological renewal of the skin. The skin becomes radiant, has an even tone and looks noticeably younger. The effects of drugs based on sodium succinate are visible after the first procedure.
If the cheeks or chin are very lowered due to the accumulation of fat in the overhang areas, we can also use lipolysis topically, i.e. reduce the adipose tissue so that it does not press on the face or chin, and then use a skin astringent preparation, for example, containing DMAE.
An oil-based facelift is to nourish the face with platelet-rich plasma, a so-called vampire facelift. This procedure involves taking the patient's own blood, centrifuging the plasma, and injecting it into any part of the body, head, or face. Plasma is rich in growth factors, stem cells, and many other valuable nutrients. The procedure itself is extremely safe and natural, as it does not require the use of additional drugs that are administered subcutaneously.